نقدم لكم مقال للتوعية عن الاثار السلبية للزيادة السكانية باللغة الانجليزية, التوعية عن الاثار السلبية للزيادة السكانية باللغة الانجليزية, الاثار السلبية للزيادة السكانية باللغة الانجليزية , مقال عن الاثار السلبية للزيادة السكانية باللغة الانجليزية 2020, الاثار السلبية للزيادة السكانية بالانجليزي. على كلام نيوز www.klamnews.com
التوعية عن الاثار السلبية للزيادة السكانية باللغة الانجليزية.

مقال للتوعية عن الاثار السلبية للزيادة السكانية باللغة الانجليزية, التوعية عن الاثار السلبية للزيادة السكانية باللغة الانجليزية, الاثار السلبية للزيادة السكانية باللغة الانجليزية , مقال عن الاثار السلبية للزيادة السكانية باللغة الانجليزية 2020, الاثار السلبية للزيادة السكانية بالانجليزي
The consequences of the population increase The rapid increase in the population causes many consequences for societies, as the rise in the birth rate in different countries throughout history has been closely linked to the increase in the level of poverty and the high death rate, especially among children, while the decrease in the birth rate was associated with an improvement Living standards, low death rates among infants and increasing life expectancy of individuals. Increased population and poverty have been linked to increased levels of deaths and diseases. People living in unhealthy homes are often exposed to health problems and disasters. To normal.

Malnutrition is linked to the increase in the population, and a report issued by Cornell University indicates that malnutrition makes the population more vulnerable to some diseases that threaten their lives, such as malaria and respiratory infections, and between 1950 and 2007 the rate of malnutrition increased to 37%, which causes 6 million child deaths in one year.
Population aging:
The decline in fertility rates and the increase in the average age of individuals has led to a slowdown in population growth along with an increase in the numbers of elderly people. The United Nations report indicates that the number of individuals aged 60 years and over will exceed three times in the year 2100 AD, meaning that they will reach 3.1 billion people. Issued by the World Health Organization and related to global health and aging that the increase in the number of elderly people will be linked to changing causes of death from infectious to non-infectious diseases, which are high blood pressure, high cholesterol, diabetes, cancer, and much more, which will cause increased pressure. On health care systems to treat these cases.
Low environmental resource sustainability:
Population growth negatively affected the quality of the environment, due to the massive use of land, whether for agriculture or housing, and its negative consequences, as the significant growth of the population in cities or rural areas leads to the consumption of greater quantities of environmental resources to preserve the welfare of the population, which In turn, it causes nature to not be able to replenish these resources quickly enough to provide for human needs.
نصائح للتوعية عن الاثار السلبية للزيادة السكانية.
Awareness tips on the negative effects of overpopulation.
- The standard of living is declining, and as a result of the increasing number of people the demand for basic commodities becomes very competitive.
- Increased social problems, as the population increase leads to more social problems such as bribery, prostitution and theft.
- Food shortages and increased imports, which will lead to a balance of payments deficit.
- Increase poverty rates as the available resources will not be able to rotate and this will lead to poverty in the country.
- Unemployment, due to the number of people searching for available resources that exceed jobs.
- Low per capita income if the level of production does not increase.