نقدم لكم موضوع عن حماية البيئة بالانجليزي قصير جدا, موضوع عن حماية البيئة بالانجليزي, موضوع عن حماية البيئة بالانجليزي قصير جدا 2020, موضوع تعبير عن حماية البيئة بالانجليزي, على كلام نيوز
موضوع عن حماية البيئة بالانجليزي.
موضوع عن حماية البيئة بالانجليزي قصير جدا, موضوع عن حماية البيئة بالانجليزي, موضوع عن حماية البيئة بالانجليزي قصير جدا 2020, موضوع تعبير عن حماية البيئة بالانجليزي.
The environment directly and indirectly affects our lives; it expresses all the things that surround us from water, air, humans, animals, plants . Everything around us is an integral part of the environment, and any imbalance, increase or decrease causes disruption of this ecosystem. The environment faces a lot of problems, including the elements of the environment itself, the most important of which is human; man is one of the biggest factors that help in the environmental imbalance through killing animals, eliminating vegetation, blowing up vapors, toxic gases, pollutants in the air and other harmful acts Environment
:The environment
The environment is defined as the environment in which humans live, including trees , other living organisms and water.
God has made the environment an accurate and balanced system, but human has caused imbalance in the balance created by God to satisfy his desires, fires, waste disposal, logging and other actions that have seriously damaged the environment.
Conservation of the environment is a collective responsibility shared by all individuals for a healthy and beautiful environment, here, we will discuss some ways of preserving the environment.
.Ways to preserve the environment
Spread environmental awareness among citizens about the importance of the environment and its preservation, and the bad consequences of not maintaining it.
The enactment of laws and legislations that provide for the preservation of the environment and the punishment of any procrastinators.
Minimize logging because it works to soften the atmosphere for its oxygen production in photosynthesis.
Properly disposed of waste such as sanitary landfill or recycling, and dumped it in designated areas.
Reduce the excessive use of chemicals and pesticides in a manner that causes disease and poses a threat to living organisms in the environment.