تعبير عن محمد فرح جلود بالانجليزية

Mohammed Farah Jalloud
a Algerian child, managed in 2016 when he was no more than 7 years old to win first place in the Arab Reading Challenge for the year, which was organized for the first time, organized by the United Arab Emirates under the patronage of Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, ruler of Dubai.
Jalloud, representing
his country, Algeria, participated in a competition that included 15 Arab countries and 3 non-Arab countries. In that year, Britain, Indonesia and Malaysia participated. The child Juloud, the son of Constantine, the city that was historically known as the city of religion and scholars, is the son of the imam of a mosque who played an important role in encouraging and motivating his son to enter this competition, as he helped him to finish reading 50 books by 22 different authors!!
محمد فرح جلود
هو الطفل المبدع محمد عبد الله فرح جلود الطالب بالصف الأول في مدرسة زيادي بطو الابتدائية بمدينة قسنطينة، والذي وصل إلى النهائيات بعدما تفوق على أكثر من 610 ألف طالب وطالبة شاركوا بالتحدي على مستوى الجزائر وخاضوا ثلاث مراحل من التصفيات الوطنية وحول مشاركته في المنافسات النهائية، قال والد الطفل والمشرف عليه الأستاذ عبد القادر فرح جلود – حسب بيان تلقت الشروق نسخة منه – “محمد أكبر إخوته، فتح عينيه على الكتب، ولم يلتحق بروضة أو قسم تحضيري ما قبل المدرسة وإنما لقن المبادئ الأولية للغة العربية من قبل والدته، ولم يمض وقت قصير على دخوله إلى الصف الأول ابتدائي إلا وقد استرسل في القراءة والكتابة، وما أن انطلق مشروع التحدي حتى كان سريع القراءة والفهم”.
He is the creative child, Mohamed Abdullah Farah Jalloud, a first-year student at Ziadi Batto Elementary School in Constantine, who reached the finals after he surpassed more than 610 thousand students who participated in the challenge at the level of Algeria and participated in three stages of the national qualifiers and about his participation in the final competitions, he said. The child’s father and supervisor, Professor Abdel Qader Farah Jalloud – according to a statement Al-Shorouk received a copy of – “Muhammad is the oldest of his brothers, he opened his eyes to books, and he did not join a kindergarten or preparatory department before school, but he was taught the initial principles of the Arabic language by his mother, and it was not a short time Upon entering the first grade of primary school, he did not continue to read and write, and as soon as the challenge project was launched, he was quick to read and understand.”
وقال والده “لقد حباه الله بقوة ذاكرة مع خيال واسع تعلوه روح النقد والتحليل، ومما ساعده أيضا على فصاحة اللسان تلقينه قصار سور القرآن الكريم منذ بداية نطقه، كما تعوده على استماع القصص من والديه وكثرة الجلسات الحوارية في الأسرة مع إعطائه الحرية وفتح المجال للتعبير في مختلف المواضيع من حين لآخر، مما جعله يكتسب فهما وطلاقة في الحديث مع رصيد لغوي ثري كما أضاف الوالد: “رغم الفترة التي تبدو قصيرة جدا لقراءة 50 كتابا بالنسبة لسنه – وهو بالصف الأول ابتدائي إلا أنه خاض التحدي بكل عزم، فمع تنظيم الوقت ومتعة القراءة تمكن من قراءة 50 عنوانا لاثنين وعشرين مؤلفا تراوح عدد صفحات الكتب بين 10 و20 صفحة، ينسب كل كتاب لمؤلفه من دون خلط بين الشخصيات التي تدور حولها مواضيع الكتب التي تنوعت هذه الكتب بين الأدب العربي، التاريخ والسير، العلوم، السلوك والأخلاق، والتنمية البشرية”.

His father said, “God has endowed him with a strong memory, with a broad imagination, topped by a spirit of criticism and analysis, and what also helped him in the eloquence of the tongue was his teaching him the shortest surahs of the Holy Qur’an since the beginning of his pronunciation, as well as making him accustomed to listening to stories from his parents and the many dialogue sessions in the family while giving him freedom and opening the way for expression in Various subjects from time to time, which made him gain understanding and fluency in conversation with a rich linguistic balance, as the father added: “Despite the seemingly short period of reading 50 books for his age – he is in first grade However, he took up the challenge with determination. With the organization of time and the pleasure of reading, he was able to read 50 titles by twenty-two authors. The number of book pages ranged between 10 and 20 pages. Each book is attributed to its author without confusing the personalities around which the topics of the books revolve. These books varied among Arabic literature. History and biography, science, behavior and ethics, and human development.
وقال محمد فرح جلود لم تكن القراءة ولا فهم النصوص والمواضيع صعبة، بل كنت أستمتع باستخراج الأفكار العامة والتفصيلية والفوائد بكل يسر، وإنما كانت الصعوبة أحيانا في صياغتها وهنا كان دور الإشراف وأهلي في المناقشة والحوار للوصول إلى صيغة نهائية”وذكر محمد مجموعة من الكتب التي قرأها مثل “شارع الأمل”، “في بيتنا حاسوب”، “حكاية درجات التفوق”، “جسم الإنسان”،” أسرة سعيدة”، “رامي والمزحة الثقيلة” وغيرها.
Muhammad Farah Jalloud said that neither reading nor understanding texts and topics was difficult. Rather, I enjoyed extracting general and detailed ideas and benefits with ease, but the difficulty was sometimes in formulating them, and here was the role of supervision and my family in discussion and dialogue to reach a final formula.” Muhammad mentioned a group of books that he read Such as “Street of Hope”, “In Our Home is a Computer”, “The Story of Degrees of Excellence”, “The Human Body”, “Happy Family”, “Rami and the Heavy Joke” and others.
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